Ausblick Ski Club Coupons, Savings and Ski Resort Description for 2024
Ausblick (meaning “scenic view or overlook” or letters rearranged spell "A Ski Club") ski area dates back to the early 1950’s. Reverend Raphael Hockhaus, S.J., a WWII combat Catholic chaplain started the Marquette University’s Avalanche Club in 1948. He sought out a ski hill site for the club, which had been skiing at other area locations including Slinger and just west of Menomonee Falls. He drove around and found the site in early spring, 1950, days after the Avalanchers learned they were losing the hill they used in the Slinger area. "One look at that big thing towering up into the noon sun," he said, "and we knew that was what we wanted - even though we were almost two miles away when we saw it." It was part of the John & Myrtle Condon farm. A contract (copy in Dennis Evinrude’s file) shows that the university purchased the hill from John & Myrtle on November 1, 1950 for $5,000. The Condon's still own farm land south of our hill top (in their mid 80's as of January, 2002), leasing it out to other neighboring farmers.
Current Ausblick Ski Club Printable Coupons and Savings for 2024
Ausblick Ski Club Membership
MEMBERSHIP Annual Application Initiation
FAMILY $1875.00 $200.00 $750.00
ASSOCIATE $1255.00 $200.00 $750.00
SENIOR $965.00 $200.00 $750.00
JUNIOR $965.00 $100.00